Scp 1893 vysvetlené


SCP-1892 exhibits no anomalous properties outside a distance of two (2) meters. Upon entering this zone subjects will perceive an older male voice, belonging to SCP-1892-1, encouraging them to sit in SCP-1892 and chastising them for being late to their appointment. Upon sitting in SCP-1892, subjects are able to visually perceive SCP-1892-1.

It helps to think of them as one and the same for the purposes of comprehending the metanarrative. And SCP-1893 is pretty damn prominent in this story, what with him torturing a … SCP-1892 exhibits no anomalous properties outside a distance of two (2) meters. Upon entering this zone subjects will perceive an older male voice, belonging to SCP-1892-1, encouraging them to sit in SCP-1892 and chastising them for being late to their appointment. Upon sitting in SCP-1892, subjects are able to visually perceive SCP-1892-1. SCP-1983 (aka "Doorway to Nowhere") is a Keter-class object under SCP Foundation's containment. It was combined by SCP-1983-1 and SCP-1983-2.

Scp 1893 vysvetlené

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Check the gallery section of the Keycard page. It should be noted that servers can use plugins to change the outputs for items in SCP-914, or even allow you to change teams. SCP-173 is SCP Foundation Euclid Class Object. Origin of SCP 173 is still unknown. Today, SCP Explained - Story & Animation is bringing you SCP-173 animation COMMING SOON! - TrailerSCP-049 vs.

SCP-173 is SCP Foundation Euclid Class Object. Origin of SCP 173 is still unknown. Today, SCP Explained - Story & Animation is bringing you SCP-173 animation

The Foundations SCP's, they are here for revenge!contact: SCP-1892 exhibits no anomalous properties outside a distance of two (2) meters. Upon entering this zone subjects will perceive an older male voice, belonging to SCP-1892-1, encouraging them to sit in SCP-1892 and chastising them for being late to their appointment. Upon sitting in SCP-1892, subjects are able to visually perceive SCP-1892-1. SCP-173 is SCP Foundation Euclid Class Object.

Scp 1893 vysvetlené

SCP-1863,also known as "Lime Liftoff(SCP-1863-A) and Sarsaparilla Cream(SCP-1863-B)", is a Euclid level object designationfor two competing soft drinks sold exclusively within a town inside the state of Alabama.SCP-1863-A and SCP-1863-B are both highly addictive, despite having identical composition to equivalent non-anomalous soft drinks. 1 Description 1.1 SCP-1863-A - "Lime Liftoff" 1.2 SCP

The following are charts showing every possible outcome for upgrading items in SCP-914. For a linear upgrade chart for keycards. Check the gallery section of the Keycard page. It should be noted that servers can use plugins to change the outputs for items in SCP-914, or even allow you to change teams.

I don't think 909 will look interesting on illustration, cause he looks like an ordinary human. About 105 maybe "SCP-1893 is an incompletely understood phenomenon, believed to be electronic or digital in nature.

Scp 1893 vysvetlené

Powers and Stats. Tier: 5-A. Name: SCP-1795, The Star Womb SCP-1863,also known as "Lime Liftoff(SCP-1863-A) and Sarsaparilla Cream(SCP-1863-B)", is a Euclid level object designationfor two competing soft drinks sold exclusively within a town inside the state of Alabama.SCP-1863-A and SCP-1863-B are both highly addictive, despite having identical composition to equivalent non-anomalous soft drinks. 1 Description 1.1 SCP-1863-A - "Lime Liftoff" 1.2 SCP 現在、scp-407を[データ削除済]のデジタル音声ファイルにバックアップしてあります。野外実験環境でのscp-407再生は禁止されており、室内での再生にはo5- の許可が必要です。 scp-407を用いた実験は完全な防音環境で行われなければなりません。 วัตถุ: SCP-1678 ระดับ: Euclid มาตรการกักกันพิเศษ: SCP-1678 นั้นถูกกักกันแค่บางส่วนเท่านั้น ซึ่งกองกำลังเคลื่อนที่พิเศษ(MTF) Tau-4 และ Apsilon-6 ได้สร้างเขตกั้นที่สามารถ Model of SCP-173 from SCP Containment Breach.

See full list on See full list on Containment Procedures:SCP-1836 is to be recontained1within Site-641, which is disguised as an active ecological research station and wildlife preserve at N 74.13- W93.81, encompassing the entirety of the Cunningham Inlet. The research station is to be staffed with a full-time research team and support staff including a classically trained angakkuq2and a certified cosmetologist.3 A 50km radius 1 SCP documents 1.1 SCP-008 1.2 SCP-012 1.3 SCP-049 1.4 SCP-079 1.5 SCP-096 1.6 SCP-106 1.7 SCP-173 1.8 SCP-372 1.9 SCP-513 1.10 SCP-682 1.11 SCP-714 1.12 SCP-860 1.13 SCP-895 1.14 SCP-914 2 Miscellaneous notes 2.1 Class-D Orientation Leaflet 2.2 SCP-093 Recovered Materials 2.3 Doc. 106-2 2.4 Daniel's Note 2.5 Notable MTFs Document 2.6 Nuclear Warheads Document 2.7 Object Classes Document 2.8 설명: SCP-093은 진사(辰沙)와 유사한 돌 합성물을 깎아서 만든 대체로 붉은 원반으로, 원형의 판화와 알 수 없는 상징들이 0.5cm 깊이로 객체 전체에 빙 둘러 새겨져 있다. 1에서 1.5cm로 SCP-093에 더 깊게 새겨진 것들도 있다. SCP-093의 지름은 7.62cm이고 대부분의 사람 Item #:SCP-1810 Object Class:Safe Special Containment Procedures:SCP-1810 is contained in a Large Humanoid Containment Unit at Site 147, with the addition of a recreation area with assorted toys, books, and art supplies. It is to be given three meals daily, in accordance with Foundation-employed dietitian guidelines. All meals or beverages given to SCP-1810 are to be laced with a combination See full list on Результат: scp-073 пешком дошёл до Зоны.

SCP-093의 지름은 7.62cm이고 대부분의 사람 Item #:SCP-1810 Object Class:Safe Special Containment Procedures:SCP-1810 is contained in a Large Humanoid Containment Unit at Site 147, with the addition of a recreation area with assorted toys, books, and art supplies. It is to be given three meals daily, in accordance with Foundation-employed dietitian guidelines. All meals or beverages given to SCP-1810 are to be laced with a combination See full list on Результат: scp-073 пешком дошёл до Зоны. Увидев scp-001, scp-073 огорчился и попросил прервать эксперимент. scp-073 было приказано продолжать. В этот момент символ на лбу scp-073 стал [ДАННЫЕ УДАЛЕНЫ].

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SCP-1983 (aka "Doorway to Nowhere") is a Keter-class object under SCP Foundation's containment. It was combined by SCP-1983-1 and SCP-1983-2. SCP-1983-1 is a one-story farmhouse in County, Wyoming. It was abandoned in 1968 after a series of ritual murders, allegedly performed by a "Satanic" cult. The front door of SCP-1983-1, when opened, appears to contain a spatial anomaly. Neither matter

Увидев scp-001, scp-073 огорчился и попросил прервать эксперимент. scp-073 было приказано продолжать. В этот момент символ на лбу scp-073 стал [ДАННЫЕ УДАЛЕНЫ].

SCP-173, also known as The Sculpture, is a creature from the SCP Foundation, a fictional organization that works to keep anomalous objects, places, and creatures secret from the rest of the world. SCP-173 is an animate statue made of concrete and rebar, painted with Krylon brand spray paint. It occasionally leaves a reddish-brown substance on the floor, which is "a combination of feces and

Personnal of sufficient Clearance (as determined by facility administrator) may be admitted to view SCP-014 after submitting a formal request three (3) weeks in advance. Anyone handling SCP-014 must undergo Special Precautionary Protocol 014-2. Результат: scp-073 пешком дошёл до Зоны.

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