Príklad xmr-stak amd.txt


Mining Monero with xmr-stak-amd is pretty straightforward. It is one of the best miners as it is very customizable. This guide will walk you through setting up xmr-stak-amd for your AMD video card or cards.

Xmr-Stak-RX 1.0.5 has also been updated to the latest version of xmrig. Since GPUs do not make sense in mining RandomX compared to processors, we disabled it in the Xmr-Stak-RX assembly. If you want to mine GPU coins (like Ryo with Cryptonight-GPU): use the Xmr-Stak assembly. After the first run of Xmr-stak, the miner will generate several config files in its folder and use them on every start-up: cpu.txt - CPU settings; amd.txt (AMD settings - if your system has AMD GPUs) nvidia.txt (NVIDIA settings - if your system has NVIDIA GPUs) pools.txt - Mining pool settings; config.txt - System settings cpu.txt add xmr-stak.service to /etc/systemd/system; enable service (on startup): sudo systemctl start xmr-stak.service sudo systemctl status xmr-stak.service # check for errors sudo systemctl enable xmr-stak.service # enable for system startup Systemd docs In general, interleaving can be used as representation how 2-threading works with your GPU at current set of settings (including GPU power profile, miner settings, drivers). And default value "interleave" : 40 in amd.txt works good in most cases. Monero AMD miner.

Príklad xmr-stak amd.txt

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You should play around with intensity and worksize as the fastest settings will vary. * index - GPU index number usually starts from 0 * intensity - Number of parallel GPU Monero AMD miner. Contribute to fireice-uk/xmr-stak-amd development by creating an account on GitHub. xmr-stak amd.txt. Stanos.

xmr-stak amd.txt. Stanos. Feb 25th, 2018. 228 . Never . Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! text 2.16 KB

Stanos. Feb 25th, 2018. 228 .

Príklad xmr-stak amd.txt

Set autogenerated value of "intensity" : X, for each thread in amd.txt to slightly higher level (e.g. from 890 to 1000) Start xmr-stak.exe 2. Reading and understanding the log

It is one of the best miners as it is very customizable. This guide will walk you through setting up xmr-stak-amd for your AMD video card or cards.

Feb 25th, 2018. 228 . Never .

Príklad xmr-stak amd.txt

RX 480 4GB – 752 h/s per card / 1100core 1950memory. Operating System XMR-Stak-AMD configuration files for AMD RX 580. Xmr-Stak-RX 1.0.5 has also been updated to the latest version of xmrig. Since GPUs do not make sense in mining RandomX compared to processors, we disabled it in the Xmr-Stak-RX assembly.

And default value "interleave" : 40 in amd.txt works good in most cases. Monero AMD miner. Contribute to fireice-uk/xmr-stak-amd development by creating an account on GitHub. Benchmark. You can benchmark the miner in two ways: Edit config.txt and set verbose_level to 4 and h_print_time  26 Sep 2018 trying to config xmrstak for monero and one i over ride config it doesnt boot this is Monero config xmrstak for amd gpu /hive/xmr-stak/amd.txt  7 Jan 2021 I could never get xmr-stak to work with my AMD GPUs back when they still updated stak, so I'm not sure what its problem is other than being out-of-date. I will show you the basics of editing the config.txt and show you how to mine with more than 1 AMD card using xmr-stak-amd.

Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! text 2.16 KB Mining Monero with xmr-stak-amd is pretty straightforward. It is one of the best miners as it is very customizable. This guide will walk you through setting up xmr-stak-amd for your AMD video card or cards. XMR- Stak is a well-optimized CryptoNight based miner for CPUs, NVIDIA, GPUs, and AMDs. It is a universal Stratum pool miner with an ability to support mining for different crypto coins.

You should play around with intensity and worksize as the fastest settings will vary. * index - GPU index number usually starts from 0 * intensity - Number of parallel GPU Monero AMD miner. Contribute to fireice-uk/xmr-stak-amd development by creating an account on GitHub. xmr-stak amd.txt. Stanos.

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xmr-stak-amd / config.txt Go to file Go to file T; Go to line L; Copy path Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. 120 lines (109 sloc) 5.33 KB Raw Blame /* * Number of GPUs that you have in your system. Each GPU will get its own CPU thread. */ "gpu_thread_num" : 6,

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Можно по конкретней? xmr-stak amd.txt. Stanos. Feb 25th, 2018. 228 . Never . Not a member of Pastebin yet?

Never . Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! text 2.16 KB . raw download clone embed print report /* * GPU configuration. You should play around with intensity and worksize as the fastest settings will vary. Помогли на британском форуме Я не понял, это вставить ниже всего???