Sia block explorer


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Sia’s block time is 10 minutes, and the difficulty is retargeted every 500 blocks. The coinbase of a block is (300,000 - height), with a minimum of 30,000. This means that Sia has a small amount of permanent inflation. (Around 2.5% per year after the first 10 years). The most important feature of the Sia protocol is the file contract.

Sia block explorer

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Blake (2b-Sia) 24h Avg. Difficulty: 6759.116 P Current Difficulty: 6784.568 P Block Time: 600 s Block Reward: 30000.00 Last Block: 302,898 Website: Visit Website! Explorer: Visit Explorer! Announcement: See full list on Welcome to the SiaMining Hyperspace pool! From the creators of the first and longest-running mining pool for Sia, a reliable mining pool for Hyperspace.. Pure Pay-Per-Share – Least possible variance and no penalty for orphaned blocks.

Siacoin Block Time historical chart Average block time (minutes) Share: btc eth doge xrp ltc bch etc bsv zec dash xmr btg rdd vtc ftc blk

Siacoin Block Time historical chart Average block time (minutes) Share: btc eth doge xrp ltc bch etc bsv zec dash xmr btg rdd vtc ftc blk Create an account or log in to Instagram - A simple, fun & creative way to capture, edit & share photos, videos & messages with friends & family. New Siacoin is introduced as mining rewards through the Sia blockchain's proof-of-work mining algorithm.

Sia block explorer

Rosetta is an open standard designed to simplify blockchain deployment and interaction. Spend less time on integration and more time on novel blockchain 

Welcome to the SiaMining Hyperspace pool! From the creators of the first and longest-running mining pool for Sia, a reliable mining pool for Hyperspace.. Pure Pay-Per-Share – Least possible variance and no penalty for orphaned blocks. 3% PPS fee.

Sia is an actively developed decentralized storage platform. Users all over the world contribute disk storage from their computers to form a decentralized network. Anybody with siacoins can rent storage from hosts on Sia. This is accomplish via "smart" storage contracts stored on the Sia blockchain. List of known Siacoin pools (SC) Blake2B PoW algorithm. Live hashrate distribution, pool fees & minimum payment comparison. Mining Pools & Block Explorer ScPrime is a sharing economy decentralized business class cloud storage using blockchain smart contracts for security, redundancy and performance. Block reward decreases in 1SC with each mined block.

Sia block explorer

block. 504862. reward. 25. fee. 0. timestamp.

Anybody with siacoins can rent storage from hosts on Sia. This is accomplish via "smart" storage contracts stored on the Sia blockchain. Hi, just wanted to check, but am i right in thinking that the current official block explorer has a bunch of bugs and is not reliable for checking things like wallet balance? This is a bit of a shame since this is the link that comes up when you google "sia block explorer" Sia’s block time is 10 minutes, and the difficulty is retargeted every 500 blocks. The coinbase of a block is (300,000 - height), with a minimum of 30,000. This means that Sia has a small amount of permanent inflation. (Around 2.5% per year after the first 10 years).

Pure Pay-Per-Share – Least possible variance and no penalty for orphaned blocks. 3% PPS fee.; Native Stratum Support – We designed the Stratum protocol that is now used by all SiaClassic miners. Total historic Sia blockchain transactions (Source: When you perform the initial sync, Sia downloads every block (over 146,000 at the time of this writing) from its peers and adds them to the local consensus.db file. Before adding it to your consensus.db file Sia performs a variety of actions on every block.

Siacoin's market cap is $572.57M. 24 hour SC volume is $47.72M.It has a market cap rank of 103 with a circulating supply of 47,249,445,000. Siacoin is traded on exchanges. Siacoin had an all-time high of $0.088010 about 3 years ago. Over the last day, Siacoin has had 31% transparent volume and Siacoin Block Time historical chart Average block time (minutes) Share: btc eth doge xrp ltc bch etc bsv zec dash xmr btg rdd vtc ftc blk Welcome to the SiaMining Hyperspace pool! From the creators of the first and longest-running mining pool for Sia, a reliable mining pool for Hyperspace.. Pure Pay-Per-Share – Least possible variance and no penalty for orphaned blocks.

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block: 513504 : reward: 25 : fee: 0 : timestamp: 1615403993 (2021 Mar 10 - 19:19:53) operations: 0 : block: 513503 : reward: 25 : fee: 0 : timestamp: 1615403737 (2021

Feel free to check out the official website and block explorer to get more familiar with Siacoin before continuing. The Ethereum Block Chain Explorer Explore the Ethereum chain, check your balance, look up transactions or view some charts! Price block: 513504 : reward: 25 : fee: 0 : timestamp: 1615403993 (2021 Mar 10 - 19:19:53) operations: 0 : block: 513503 : reward: 25 : fee: 0 : timestamp: 1615403737 (2021 May 20, 2017 · Save this address and proceed to the Start mining step.; Sia-UI - The better, but slower way 🔗︎. If you created a wallet with Bittrex, you can skip this section. Sia-UI is Sia’s official Windows app.

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Sebbene la sua dimensione sia destinata a crescere nel tempo, è immutabile in quanto, di norma, il suo contenuto una volta scritto non è più né modificabile né  Sia (SC) mining profit depending on your hash rate, power consumption and electricity cost. Block Reward: 30000.00. Last Block Explorer: Visit Explorer!

An explorer for Sia Resources. Readme License. MIT License Releases No releases published. Packages 0. Sia is a decentralized storage platform secured by blockchain technology.